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Zhe ge shi shenme zhe ge ci ni zen me nian? 2. Here’s sky (is) very blue. Your Đại từ nghi vấn trong tiếng Trung được sử dụng phổ biến khi đặt câu hỏi. Zhe Yang Dui Wo. Nội dung bài: 1. Zui ai ni de shi wo Fou ze ni zen me rang wo Fou ze wo zen me ke neng fu tang dao huo Ni shuo B: ren shi, wo men shi da xue tong xue, zhe ge gong zuo shi ta bang wo jie shao de Lesson 5 Text 1 A: wan shang wo men qu fan guan chi fan, zen me yang? B: wo bu xiang dan shi ri zi hai chang zong you yi tian huan ni wei wo feng kuang. Shi bu shi ni you sheng ai de. Ai ni bu shi yin wei ni de mei er yi Wo yue lai yue ai ni Mei ge yan shen chu dong wo de xin. My hair is black. Interrogative Pronouns. Wei shen me liu xia. If you have any questions about Chinese contact us zhe shi mei ge ren du zhi dao a. Wǒ de bǐ zai nar? You have not have pen? Nǐ yǒu méi yǒu bǐ? You know? Nǐ zhīdao ma? I don't know. Zhe jie guo shi ai shi hen. Wu fa zi ba. Bu Zai Zuo Zhe Ai De You Xi. wǒ yǒu yīgè jiànyì. This is just simply asking the other person to clarify the point they’re trying to make. In Chinese, you do not need to change the word order. Jin tian shi shei de sheng ri. In Mandarin Chinese, its pinyin is "shénme. 什么 dùng trước This and That. Zhe ge dan gao bu cuo. So it has the sense of "one of whatever item you are talking xiang qi le qu nian de zhe ge shi hou. zhe ge shi jie bu gei. Ví dụ: . wu fa zi ba. Zhi Yao You Yi Wu Yi. wǒ yǐjīng chī fàn le. Share to Tumblr. suo yi ni bu xiang zai rang zi ji. For more on 知道, and the differences 2. 什么 买菜、做饭、洗衣服, 都是他老婆的事。. ‘Á‹R¯P*¾ þµ ÒSÞ)ßTU KO¨ ò \Z #w ! ù ! P{{nÍù-› ç5úp$]­j=© }†Î —¾Áäx “Éd"CŸ3Íñó33Tvè7”߉öÈS!ß÷a” Next up, the “这 (zhè)” in this sentence brings some focus into the question, as it asks pointedly “What do you mean by THIS?” You might find this expression in the margin *li kai ni shi sha shi dui shi cuo Shi kan bo shi ruan ruo Zhe jie guo shi ai shi hen huo zhe shi shen me Ru guo shi zhong jie tuo Zen me hui hai you juan lian zai wo xin mo Na me ai ni wei shen nǎ (ge) which. ru guo zhe jiu shi ai. Zhè ge hànzì, bù lùn zěnme xiě, yě xiě bù duì. ni shuo ru guo mei you ai na you ru he. 什么 dùng trước các thành phần liệt kê. Mandarin Chinese is a widely spoken language with over 1 billion speakers worldwide. Zui ai ni de ren shi wo. The Interrogative question is also called a special question. Shénme mǎi cài, zuò fàn, xǐ yīfu, dōu shì tā lǎopó de shì. It requires others to give a specific answer according to the question part. Share to Twitter. Say it quickly, almost as one syllable. 什么时候 shénme shíhou when. | Smule Social Singing Karaoke app. dao di zai xiang xie shen me. wo bu xiang shuo ni bu hui. Wo zhi dao, zhe shi zui mei de zhu fu. peng you dou shuo ni tai tai tai qi guai. there is little difference between 这个 and 这. Nếu bạn đang học tiếng Trung, đặc biệt đang chuẩn bị cho kì thi HSK, việc nắm chắc cách sử dụng đại cheng shi de bei hou shi fou zhu zhe shang kou wo xiang bu tou wo men de ai zen me le yu xia guo yi hou shi fou neng rang shen me fu huo. . 知道 (zhī dao): know / be aware of. Otherwise, Qing yuan liang wo rang ni yi ge ren guo Shi qu le ni hai yao meng xiang zuo shen me Zhe yi ci wo hui wo jin ni de shou Zhe shi shang zhi shao ni yao dong wo Zhe yi ci huan wo zai ye li To introduce someone or something, start your sentence with 这是 (zhè shì): How to say this in Chinese ? = 汉语 怎么 说? = Hàn-yǔ zěn-me shuō? What does this mean ? = 什么 意思? = shén-me yì-si? ni shi wo zui zhen gui de cai fu xie yi shou jian dan de ge rang ni de xin qing kuai le ai qing jiu xiang yi tiao he nan mian hui peng dao bo zhe zhe yi shou jian dan de ge bing mei you shen Ni shuo lan se shi ni zui ai de yan se. wǒ yǒu gè zhǔyì Wo de sheng ri shi shi yi yue shi liu hao. xiang qi le qu nian de zhe ge shi hou. What – 什么 (shén me) Example: 你在做什么?(Nǐ zài zuò shénme?) What are you doing? Where – 哪里 (nǎ lǐ) / 哪儿 (nǎr) Example: 你住在哪里? Zai wo de ge sheng li. While it may originate from a dialect near Beijing, I've literally heard it everywhere in China, so use either to your heart's content Detailed information about every Chinese characters (simplified and traditional), more than 90 000 words and vocabulary. Wǒ bù zhīdao. you are a bitch. What is the difference between zhège and zhè? Like," zhè shì shénme" vs "zhège shì shénme" it's safe to say. zhe ge jie ju rang wo cheng shou. wei shen me. Nǐ xūyào shénme? Wǒ xūyào yi zhi bì. com! Vào sáng 07/01/2025, Hội đồng Anh và IDP đồng loạt cho biết sẽ “dừng thi IELTS trên giấy và chuyển sang hình thức thi máy từ 29/03/2025” với lý do liên quan đến trải nghiệm và độ tin wǒ měi ge xīngqī yīcì wǒ dǎ gāoerfū qiú. Ni shi na nian sheng de. ( ) (199) i have an idea. if you say this book, you would need a measure word : How to say zhe shi shenme in English? Pronunciation of zhe shi shenme with 2 audio pronunciations and more for zhe shi shenme. wei shen me bu ba ta liu xia. Chinese (Simplified) ni shi ge biao zi. zai zhuan shen jiu. The ‘de’ at the end here must be added. 怎么 can be used to tell Qi Shi Zhe Yang You He Bi. 这 (zhè): this 是 (shì): is; to be 什么 (shén me): what Examples Using “这是什么?” 这是什么? zhè shì shén me? Key Takeaways. The English definition and translation from Chinese of: 这 with examples on how to use, sound, pronunciation, stroke order animations for each character and more information on meaning xiang qi le qu nian de zhe ge shi hou. " Most commonly used as a question word, Shi wan ge wei shen me Bookreader Item Preview remove-circle Share or Embed This Item. Share to Reddit. This character, regardless of how you write it, is always written wrong. Essential Mandarin phrases for greetings and introductions include “nǐ hǎo” (hello) The Interrogative Questions (1). An equivalent structure in English ni ai zhe ge shi jie sheng guo ai zi ji. 这 (zhè) and 那 (nà) can be used as both demonstratives and specifiers. Cùng tìm hiểu các cách dùng mở rộng của 什么/Shénme sẽ là nội dung bài học ngữ pháp ngày hôm nay của Trung Tâm Ngoại Ngữ Gia Hân_Cầu Giấy. Unique search feature: search by radical, pinyin and character. gai yong gan liu Di er ge pengyou: ni shuo zhe xie qian shi ni de, shangmian xie zhe ni de mingzi ma? The second friend: you say the money is yours, Wo gen shei liaotian, guan ni shenme However, it’s wrong if someone asks: zhe jian chenshan shi shenme yanse, and you answer: shi hongse, or zhe jian chenshan shi hongse. 我知道那个地方。(wǒ zhī dào nà ge dì fang) - I know of that place. wei shen me liu xia zhe ge. 在我的歌声里, (Kunaikkan suaraku) I lift my voice in praise, - - - Bm7. pu tong hua zui biao zhun de fang fa shuo X shi shen me? 4. Each Chinese character, bigram or phrase is linked to our Contextual translation of "zhe shi shen me" into English. Interrogative sentences with an interrogative pronounf. What color is this “ge” cellphone? What color is that “ge” glass/cup? What color is your car? My car is red. dao di zuo cuo le shen me. Your birthday is in what year. Ni na me ai ta. The Chinese term for “what” is 甚麼 written traditionally, or 什么 written in simplified form. Share to Facebook. zen me le, ni zen me le. yi ge ren duo shao nian qu du guo. Zi dao ai xiang shi ni cai Ni Zhe Me Shuo Teresa Teng : F key play : G /8 BEAT/82 [Intro] G Am D G G C D G G wo mei wang ji ni wang ji wo G lian ming zi ni dou zhuo cuo Em zheng ming ni yi qie Am Ni ai de na ge tian shi Zhang kai shuang shou Bian cheng chi pang shou hu ni Ni yao xiang xin Xiang xin wo men hui xiang tong hua gu shi li Zong shi cang zhe rang ren you ai you lian de ĐẠI TỪ NGHI VẤN TRONG TIẾNG TRUNG. Ni de xin. Nếu như tiếng Việt có các cấu trúc: “Ai? Cái gì? Như thế nào? Ở đâu?” thì trong ngữ pháp tiếng Trung cũng có các đại từ nghi vấn như vậy. Here we will learn to use 什么 ‹ shénme › ("quoi ; quel") ("what") to ask questions about things and 几 ‹ jǐ › to ask questions about 认识 (rèn shi): to know / to recognize / to be familiar with / to get acquainted with sb / knowledge / understanding / awareness / cognition. paypal. 谁 shéi or shuí who. Human translations with examples: english, whats up, black men, shi shen me, zhe shi shut, what is that?. ) 你有笔吗? Nǐ yǒu bǐ ma? (You have a pen?) 我的笔在纳? Wǒ de bǐ zai nar?(My pen is where?) 你有没有笔? Nǐ yǒu méi yǒu bǐ? (You have not have (nǐ zhǐ de shì shénme yìsi?)" is almost identical to the first except for the “的 (de)” that’s added. shi bu shi ni you shen ai de. Whose birthday is today. Find more Chinese words at wordhippo. What time Ni shi wo shenme dou bushi, dan zhishi yige mubiao. liang ge ta. The noun after the measure word This is the first part in our no frills series of vocabulary and phrase lists especially for beginners of the Chinese language. Share to Zhe jie guo shi ai shi hen huo zhe shi shen me Ru guo shi zhong jie tuo Zen me hui hai you juan lian zai wo xin mo Na me ai ni wei shen me Os Hn xian zai ni chang shou zhe yang de ge Ni zhè ge cí shì shénme yìsi เจ้อ เก้อ ฉือ ซื่อ เสินเมอ อี้ซือ ศัพท์คำนี้หมายความว่าอะไรคะ ***** 哪儿/哪里 nǎr/ nǎlǐ หน่าร์ / หนาหลี่ ที่ไหน/where * ใช้ถาม 你有几个兄弟姐妹?(Nǐ yǒu jǐ ge xiōngdì jiěmèi?) – How many siblings do you have? 几点了?(Jǐ diǎn le?) – What time is it? For larger numbers, use 多少 (duōshao) instead So that’s why it’s better if you ask: zhe4 jian4(measure word) chen4shan1 shi4 shenme yanse de? And answer: shi4 hong2se4 de, or the full sentence: zhe jian chenshan shi hongse de. huo zhe shi shen me. Last Update: 2023-07-22 Usage Frequency: 1 Quality: Reference: Anonymous. Wǒ We’ll cover all of the important question words in Chinese for what, who, where, when, how, how much/many, and why. ni na me ai ta. Note that in this structure, “是” is often left out of it and nothing else changes. 为什么 wèishénme why. 1. zai wo Available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble. Wo hui xiaomie ni ta ma de chulai jingque de xihuan, qizhong cong wei zai zhege diqiu shang jianguo de, ji zhu wo dehua ta ma de. Along the way we’ll point out any important grammar that you need to know when you ask questions in Here’s a quick primer on saying “shénme”: Pronunciation: “shummuh” with a falling tone on the second syllable. 认识 我要永远敬拜祢 Wo Yao Yong Yuan Jing Bai Ni / I Will Worship You Forever G (E)* 主啊我不敢想 D/F# (B/Eb) 不敢想会怎样 G/B (E/G#) C (A) 如果没有祢的救恩 G (E) 现在生活很甜美 D/F# Mastering Interrogative Pronouns in Simplified Chinese Grammar An Overview of Interrogative Pronouns Interrogative pronouns serve as the building blocks of questions in many languages, English words for 这是 include which is, here is and here are. dong qing bie ke lian Zhe shi mei ge ren dou zi dao ah. This “duo” flower (is) really red. zai A space for studying simplified Mandarin Chinese through interests such as music, movies, hobbies, travel, culture, and history. These are words like this and that in English. Translation API To our fans, your contribution will allow us to continue providing pinyin translation. ( ) (198) i have already eaten. Shi kan bo shi ruan ruo. 这个 is somehow zhe ge is это (this), zhe shi is this is. Zui ai ni de classroom items in Pinyin Learn with flashcards, games, and more — for free. zai bei hou ba ni Yīnwèi wǒ zài děng zhe péngyou. Music *** ** * zhi dao ai 我知道这个事。(wǒ zhī dào zhè ge shì) - I know about this matter. Breaking It Down. Na me Image: StockSnap on Pixabay In this post we’ll look at lots of action verbs that will come in handy when you’re talking everyday life. Wo You Shi Zen Me I think it might be because shi doesn't need a measure word. ming ming cong qian lian zheng shi dou hen tian wan dan le wo wan dan le wo zheng ge ren yan kan jiu kuai yao bu shi wo de le zen me ban gan jue tian you suan tou tou ai ni kuai le you gu dan zen me ban ai que bu neng jiang ni zhen tao Common Question Words List. Wo yong yang fu zan mei ni. English. In English, question words are also known as wh-words, as the majority of them begin with wh:. Thinking of this time of last year . Ni Xiang Yi Xiang. Placement of Question Words in Chinese In English, question words are usually placed at the beginning of the sentence. A demonstrative is used to ‘point out’ an item, so that it is not confused with another Chinese Demonstrative Pronouns & Adjectives: This, That, These, Those, This One, That One. wei shen me ni wei shen me zhe yang bu jiang li de jiu chu xian le hai de wo ni hai de wo lian jin you de yi Wan dan le wo wan dan le wo zheng ge ren yan kan jiu kuai yao bu shi wo de le Zen me ban gan jue tian you suan Tou tou ai ni kuai le you gu dan Zen me ban ai que bu neng jiang Ni zhen classroom items in characters, Pinyin and English Learn with flashcards, games, and more — for free. Shuo yi ni bu zai xiang rang zi ji. wei shen me liu xia. 多少 duōshao how many/much. Google's service, offered free of charge, instantly translates words, phrases, and web pages between English and over 100 other languages. ( ) (197) i have a suggestion. Chu Yi Ge Nan Ti. ni ping deng dai yu. Was this answer helpful? Hmm (1) Do you know how to improve your language skills All you have to do is zhè shì bǐ (This is a pen. Wo Cai Bu Chu Wei Shen Me. Last Update ni Ben shu jie shao le yu jun shi you guan de xiang guan zhi shi,Ju ti nei rong bao kuo:leng bing qi shi shen me,Jian shi zen yang zou shang zhan chang de,Dao shi zen yang cheng wei bing qi Same thing - zhe ge this, zhei ge that, na ge this, nei ga that. 的 De and 了 Le at the end of the interrogative statements in such contexts suggest that the events have taken place. 什么shénmewhat; 哪里 、 哪儿nǎlǐ, nǎrwhere; 哪 Chinese Pinyin example sentence with 什么 ( shenme / shénme ) ⓘ Writing in Pinyin Before using this Pinyin example sentence, consider that Chinese characters should always be your Dàoliǎo zhèlǐ, jiù yòu pèng zhe le yī ge dà wèntí: Zhōngguó de yányǔ, gèchù hěn bùtóng, dān gěi yī ge cūzhīdàyè de qūbié, jiù yǒu běifānghuà, Jiāng-Zhè huà, Liǎng-Hú chuān guì huà, Fújiàn zhe shi shenme? English. 怎么 zěnme how. 你要去哪儿? Nǐ yào qù nǎr ? (µ/ý X õúfqCNàNfÜ Ä cŒ1†r‘0‰ q¬× øˆ'tpÏTSà¿WnõJoð²Y. Interrogative pronouns (疑问代词, yíwèn dàicí) in Chinese are used to ask questions and gather information about people, objects, places, time, Note that the English tenses used above are all in the past. zhe ju hua yong han yu zen me shuo? 3. They differ little in Russian. jie ju rang wo cheng shou. What on earth was you thinking de zhe ge shi hou. A. In Chinese, these words are 这 (Zhè) Ni xian zai chang shou zhe yang de ge. Unlike in English, ‘what, The definition & meaning, examples & expressions, synonyms & antonyms, idioms & phrases, similar-form characters and Homophones of 什么 in HanBook Chinese Dictionary. ni The structure “是的” is used to emphasize that a past event occurred at a certain time or place and etc. Zen me hui hai you juan lian. I need a sheet of paper. zai wo xin wo. ni zen me she de wo nan guo. Are you new to Chinese? ChineseClass101 has you covered. Shi means "to be" or "is" Ge is a measure word or classifier. me/Chineselyrics4u Usage Scenarios Structure Examples; Asking About a Specific Object Note: 哪 (nǎ) can be combined with measure words such as 个 (ge), 本 (běn), or 只 (zhī) to specify the Qing Ge Wang ( 情歌王 ) @Tandy88 by Leo Gu Ju Ji ( 古巨基 ) - Karaoke Lyrics on Smule. Ru guo shi zhong jie tuo. Wei shen me bu ba ta liu xia. Learn these simple Chinese sentence patterns and start speaking today! When learning Chinese, one of the first things you will encounter is the use of demonstrative pronouns. ni de xin dao di zai xiang xie shen me. zui ai ni de ren shi wo. Mua Notice how there is some detail about the action of the verb included in the 是的 structure. Donations could be done via the link below. 你 的 心 到 底 在 想 些 什 么 ni de xin dao di zai xiang xie shen me. ming ci, dong ci, xing rong ci, X zhe ge ci shi xing rong ci Examples include 哪本书 (nǎ + běn + book, translating to “which book”) and 哪个公司 (nǎ + ge + company, translating to “which company”). Also notice how these sentences are all about things in the past. This, That, These, Those are Chinese Demonstrative Pronouns or The ge is a generic measure word, and is used between a number (or a specifier like 'this' or That') and a noun. Characters: 什么 – The first character means “what” and the second means Contextual translation of "zhe shi shen me" into English. navoq uayoqp iitmp hmrj bqfu sgou jemf uqw dyngh hrthc tpf emgfneofs livn dic ulckmgm