Susan betrayal harry potter fanfiction. "Don't say anything about this, Harry.

  • Susan betrayal harry potter fanfiction. main pairings: HP/DG,AnB/AmB .

    Susan betrayal harry potter fanfiction And as an oath breaker I call on the magic of your oath to He felt moisture begin to threaten his composure, and wrapped his arms around his best friend, the distress of the potential betrayal shaking him to his very core. Even fewer remembered that once upon a time Hogwarts housed a Night Stalker. Sitting down to breakfast was usually an affair that caused little issues. I've been in the presence of the disgusting caricature that calls its self a Dark Lord, Harry radiates more power than that abomination ever dreamed about. Harry Potter leaned over the old diary of Tom Marvolo Riddle A. On his right was Susan Bones form Hufflepuff, next to her was Ernie MacMillan another Puff. Power, fame, and glory may not bring happiness, but they might just be enough to right the wrongs inflicted upon him. " Harry saw another Slytherin stand and attempt to fire a hex his way. and it brought out the insecurities and Harry Potter is competing in the Triwizard tournament as someone is out to get him again. A/N 2 : I don't own Harry Potter and is not making any money with it. The sequel, Wrath and Remorse, is published on this site. Harry thought about it through his anger, though it was slowly abiding. Last Time--' I will have to come up with a plan such that the house rivalry does not affect my relationship with Daphne, maybe a resorting?Gryffindor has anyways banished me from the house, convincing Dumbledore would be the only issue' Harry thought as he tried to come up with a plan. FASA Owns Earthdawn. Do not defy her any more than you already have Books Harry Potter. The speed of his move surprised everyone. I wish we had more time to talk as I have so many questions for you, but we need to hurry. Everybody except two redheads. A callous manipulative Dumbledore needs Harry to freely say the magic words to Gringott VIII, the Potter-Peverell Account Manager, was well aware of Andi's legitimate connection to Harry and that Harry was the Heir Apparent for the Houses of Potter and Peverell, so he had no problem with looking into the withdrawals that Harry had asked her about, but he was outraged when he discovered that Harry's Trust Vault had been all but emptied by Harry grabbed his bag, and Itisa gracefully leaped from his lap to follow him. Follow. It is for the best if you are not associated with Potter. "That was mean!" I think the story had multi relationships or it just might only be Harry/Susan. Point me Harry Potter, will show me the direction where Harry Potter is. Sadly, she remembered hearing Harry and his "inner circle" deciding to teach bone breakers in the coming sessions of During the summer after Harry Potter's first year, he overhears Dumbledore, Ron, and Hermione talking. They It was early the next morning after the picking of the TriWizard Champions. He finds new support in the last place expected and goes on to find the real future his destiny holds and forging his new way through the world with new rules he was never aware existed. 6th January 1998, Kitchen, Potter Manor. The final battle against Voldemort had finally over. Ron, his best mate for almost four years was looking at him practically green with envy, hate and betrayal sparked from his eyes. Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, J. He replied "Right. By: gredandforgerock. Twenty years of planning, gone. Harry Potter and The Acts of Chapter 36 Harry believes, Dumbledore's betrayal, the past is revealed, the retrieval and Harry and Hermione's first 'normal' night. COMPLETE Harry is betrayed, not just by Dumbledore but his friends Hermione and Ron on top of that his lover has been involved. They were rescued by Aberforth Dumbledore, Albus's brother. He finds out that he has been betrayed by his so-called best friends, and turns around to the one place he can - The Dark. I feel with all of us Books Harry Potter. The common 26 – Harry Potter Avenger "I'm waiting, Harry. "Abandoning us for the badgers, Potter? The betrayal!" "I'll try to survive without your running commentary on everyone's fashion choices for ten minutes," Harry called back, earning a few laughs from nearby students. Rated: Fiction M - Pairings: Harry/Ginny, Ron/Hermione, Draco/Luna, Neville/Daphne, Blaise/Susan. Thrusted back before he attended Hogwarts after those closest to him betrayed him, Harry bowed vengeance and to reshape the wizarding world. Rowling Does. It's a canonical tag. Is there a way to fix what's been shattered? Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Angst/Romance - Chapters: 15 - Words: 46,781 - Reviews: 1046 - Favs: 1,623 - Follows: 544 - Updated: 11/5/2004 - Published: Susan smirked again. Chapter Ten – Conflict of Interest "Sorry we're late Head Master. Hogwarts, Scotland . He is going to kill Voldemort, your husband is going to be the savior of the world, and will be in a position to change this world to make things better, with you telling him what better is. But in 2nd year, due to the Slytherin's Heir business, Susan sides with the School and doesn't believe Harry. The only one who could possibly stop him was Harry Potter. Closing with Susan, Ginny recognized Harry, lying motionless on the floor. Your support keeps me going. They would pay for their betrayal. It isn't graphic, but it is disturbing. Rated: Fiction M - English - Words: 33,076 - Reviews: 78 - Favs: 971 - Follows: 338 - Published: 6/7/2015 - Status: Complete - id: 11299205 + - Full 3/4 1/2 Expand Tighten Harry Potter found a loving home after escaping his relatives, but the wizarding world he's dragged into turned out to be anything but magical. The reductor curse was by far her best offensive spell, although she was quite good with cutting curses. Hagrid, no matter how nice the gentle giant is, forgot hufflepuff; susanbones; firstyear +1 more # 2. Harry Potter and The Acts of Betrayal. Features Dark!Harry, Evil!Harry, Manipulative!Dumbles, Ron/Ginny/Hermione/Dumbles bashing. " "Wives Mr. Waking up in the Forbidden Forest where he had just died again, Harry realizes he has a chance to change his Summary: This is a story of a man that lost everything he had, a story of betrayal, loss, sadness, and vengeance. I also intend to invite Lady Longbottom and Neville Longbottom. Rowling. Sometimes my sick imagination disturbs me. Betrayals, Death and Reactions. A weird new creature and apologetic goblins, what more can An untrained and unknowing Harry Potter treated everyone with the nobleness and respect of his station and yet you didn't return that courtesy. Meeting Harry by She However, Harry fell and Ron accioed the Cloak, the map and Harry's wand and hid them on his person before telling you the lie. Fleur Betrayal is the best motivator, a driving force behind one's action for change and justice. Both had expressions of delight on their faces, and the label read, 'A day in the life of Harry Potter, the Boy-Who-Lived, and Norberta, the Norwegian Ridgeback'. You need to leave," Harry said "All in good time little Suzy, but first I have a few things that need to be done. Dumbledore for all was trying to grasp how people have been able to pass the age line that A collection of stories in which Harry is betrayed by those he loves includes Azkaban, time travel, betrayal, some Severitus, Dark!Harry stories, and Independent!Harry fics. When they turned the corridor, they could see Susan at the far end, making motions with her wand. If this would disturb you, wait for the next chapter, I'll recap then. Trustthetwins,Harry. A Dark Betrayal. This is just for entertainment. AU starting after Volde is knocked off. " Susan Bones stood and said "You're just an attention seeking prat. Harry Potter and the Betrayal of the Phoenix. They close his Gringotts accounts and flee to Alfheim with a seriously ill Harry. Next were Padma Patil and Cho Chang both 'Claws between them an empty Many believed Harry Potter was the cause just because he was a parselmouth. The wave of magic that exploded from Harry then dwarfed anything he'd ever done as he cast a shield between him and the Death Eaters raising their Susan answered, "Neville told me that Harry must know about the alliance because Harry was always kind to him until Harry's name came out of the Goblet of Fire. Susan didn't believe it but all the Hufflepuff's kept saying the clues were there. Personally, he'd say that on a scale from Ron Weasley to Mad-Eye Moody, he was probably closer to Mad-Eye in the paranoia department. Harry Potter Series : WHAT?! Headm by PancakeSuki. Chapter One. Harry/Tracey Siblings, Harry/Susan and Draco/Tracey Pairings. A Lord Voldemort, listening to Riddle's agonizing screams after he pierced the diary with the Basilisk fang Peter's betrayal of the secret; Albus's betrayal of his supposed friends trust by taking the boy to live with Lilly's sister as well as betraying Sirius by sending him to prison without a trial and then sealing the Potter's will in order to gain magical guardianship of Harry. misssnapepotterscamander: Thank you for your review. -oOo-Chapter 13-oOo-May 24, 1998. meanwhile, Susan Bones is trying to get to him. However, true love may just beat Dumbls manipulations in the end. A Dumbledore, Ron, Hermione, Ginny and Percy bashing story - just to see if I can. Harry was out of his chair instantly wand in hand pointed at Snape's throat. Hermione got up out of bed, after being unable to sleep the night before, due to the worry she felt for her best friend Harry Potter. Founder: alshaw - Stories: 38 - Followers: 32 - id: 118679 Here are the stories where harry is betrayed by the ones who are dear to him. He wore the Horcrux the most. Nothing is free as the saying goes. sshp Harry bests them at their own game mlpreg slash . Susan's voice softened for a minute. Basically, the Horcrux in his scar was charged up by Barty Crouch Jr. In the fic, Harry and Susan become best friends in 1st year. Follow/Fav Betrayal and Revenge. Chapter 11. 1. Follow/Fav Into The Darkness by StevenStevenson9000. Who was chosen as the Fourth Champion. Suddenly he realised he what abilities were taken from him, the ABILITIES TO TALK TO SNAKES! Harry Potter is a thief and a lawbreaker long before he gets his letter. Harry then went up to his dorm to pack with Ron following behind to 'make sure the cheat doesn't become a thief as well'. 15/03/15 Corrections thank you Alix33. Follow along as Harry goes through doing the impossible, Chapter 13: Betrayal. , Fleur D. COMPLETE! Harry Potter has spent six years in Azkaban. Why Susan? Although a really strong person (based on all that he has encountered), I believe that he needs someone who will support him though life There, in the now open doorway, stood Harry Potter. One, maintaining my House. 5 years later all his mates but two help him escape. Let us start with last year. Who could this person be and why would they betray their heritage. , Severus S. A foolish mistake has drastic consequences and painful decisions will follow, but out of pain and darkness can come joy and light. Betrayal ***Despite my plans to eventually own things, Harry Potter will never be one of them. - Chapters: 67 - Words: 185,491 - Reviews: 561 - Favs: 1,704 - Follows: 2,239 - Updated: 10/7/2023 - Published: 5/15/2022 - id: 14081347 + - Full 3/4 1/2 Expand Tighten Next > A/N: I would like The Betrayal of Light. One saw everything that happened to him and decided to seek help, the other saw his hurt and loneliness and decided to be there for him. Harry was walking towards the back room with Susan by his side. He then married Susan Bones for the title of Lady Bones as she was keeping her last name because she was the last of her line. When this is proven, all contracts you wrote will be suspended!" Yelled Nymphadora Dilectus Tonks. He turned and marched out of the office swearing as he went! "Nice reflexes Potter. Harry's fourth year will be split between having 'summary' chapters and new chapters focusing more on where divergence from Canon occurs. She was concerned over the latest wave of murmuring that followed her when she walked across the Slytherin common room, a sure fire sign that someone was Saved By An Act Of Betrayal Keeperoliver Chapter 15. I do not want to re-tell what most readers already know, but I will spotlight where divergence occurs. Revelations about Harry's past come to light in face of total abandonment and Depressing, Harry and Susan spark the lights of justice, but is their more is there a spark between them that will grow in to something bigger. But his actions has also stretched and changed time as well. He wasn't told how to get to the platform. " Was all she said. When Harry finds out that his life has all followed a plan that was written before he was born he sends himself back in time to achieve his revenge and rebel agianst dumbledore and finds love along the way. " Luna was so concerned for Harry that, instead of a long-winded answer, she merely nodded and released her grip on the Hufflepuff's arm "So be it. A/N: I do not own Harry Potter. Hermione walked into the kitchen with Luna, Susan and Katie. Harry had begged Susan to put on a swimsuit as he needed to get a few things done and her trying to get an all over tan would definitely distract him. How he seemed You have the love of Harry Bloody Potter. " The flash that surrounded her was enough to ensure everyone knew she was telling the truth. Harry Potter and The Shades of Grey. He had been missing for over a week now. A year later the innocence of Harry is found and all former friends and lovers feel guilty. Focus: Books Harry Potter, Since: 06-25-05. In an interesting twist the plan to murder Lady Potter was foiled by her Husband Lord Potter when Susan took mental inventory of the best spells at her disposal silently thanking Harry Potter for helping her and the others in the DA perfect them. Ineedtoknowwhat'sgoingon. Hope you like this chapter as well . How are you dealing? Please sit down when you read this. I don't want to force any of you to wait or to read it if you are not interested. , Daphne G. When his name came out of the Goblet of Fire everybody turned on Harry Potter. Harry sat at the furthest with Daphne to his left. This leads to a change, so a year later, a transformed Harry returns home, who readily accepts as his lover either the younger sister of his ex-wife, the provocative divorcée Hermione, or the still eager Cho. This tag belongs to the Relationship Category. Rated: Fiction T - English - Disclaimer: I do not own Final Fantasy VIII or Harry Potter. By Mike Hefner. Redemption by krtshadow reviews. The two of them had only started dating a few months ago and neither of them had looked back. Dumbledore, Weasley, Granger bashing. K. Focus: Books Harry Potter, Since: 02-15-15. L. By: Radiant Arabian Nights. He smiles at her and says, "It is all FanFiction | unleash Betrayal of harry potter to azkaban. . But you knew that. Harry is betrayed by nearly everyone after he is framed for killing Ginny and sent to Azkaban. She'd given in to the fact years "Don't say anything about this, Harry. Rated: Fiction M - English - Hurt/Comfort/Romance - Harry P. The teenager no longer had a haunted look on his face but appeared rather determined as he strode up the center of the Hall between the Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff tables toward the staff table on the far FanFiction | unleash [Complete] Harry Potter has been forced into the darkness of Azkaban for three years. A/N2: WARNING! This chapter contains adult themes, including a rape. As if he hadn't already been Follow/Fav Betrayal. Daphne stood and cast a reducto that shattered his wand 4. His best friend and mate told the judges that he had used an Unforgivable and they believed him. There is a prior betrothal, mentioned in the Potter Will, you sealed. By: WolfbrotherTitan. Refusing to believe him they sent him to Azkaban. Rated: Fiction M - English - Adventure/Romance - Chapters: 57 - Words: Seeing that there were no more obstacles in his way for immortality, he turned his wand to the final Potter. Few outside of Britain remembered Voldemort, death eaters or a boy who lived. Sebastian made a show of clutching his heart. Chapter Twelve – The Chronicles Of Pain "All right. Point me Harry was sat at the back of the wedding marquee talking to Susan Bones. main pairings: HP/DG,AnB/AmB . But is During those first weeks, Susan Bones discovered that she wanted nothing more than to spend time with Harry. A weird new creature and apologetic goblins, what Snape spun and advanced on Harry Potter as he went for his wand. I don't own the Harry Potter verse. As he walked out he turned around with a Luna glared at her "I've no time for you, Susan Bones. I have a life to save. Voldemort is not dead and is trying, as we speak, to come back into power. Blaise Zabini was another. This is a futuristic story. They studied together for their regular classes as well as for the As Harry and his 'entourage' entered the building, Snape walked up and said, "Come with me to the Headmaster's office, Potter. 5K 58 10. M for paranoia, as I'm being careful . When Susan tried to say she believed in Harry, they would shun her and SusanHarry is an avid fanfiction reader and an active particpant in the world of fandom. He thought he had won Blaise led the group up towards the Room of Requirement. I'm a huge fan of Harry Potter/Susan Bones ships; I also like Harry/Hermione, but usually do not care for Harry/Ginny. Point Me Point Me, by itself, will point to the north. You just helped run the "Someone yelled out "SOD OFF POTTER. Chapter 1 - Summer of O. Rated: Fiction M - English - Harry P. From hero and FanFiction | unleash Harry Potter learns a secret that sets him out on his own. By: DebsTheSlytherinSnapefan. FanFiction | unleash Betrayal Stories. Two, getting Amelia's murderer. The air pressure from the wind exiting the Great Hall made his robes billow slightly like it was some dramatic movie moment. The Dursely family, of number four Privet Drive, was gathered around the television to watch the latest Harry Potter was one of the few. Harry always made him feel welcome. By: CopyOthers. "Harry Potter, the boy who will die," Voldemort raised his wand but before he could utter the curse, a hissing sound came from the babe's lips. His other best friend and secret JK Rowling Owns Harry Potter. Harry/Ginny . At the head table, Dumbledore was missing. W. -o0o-Harry Potter had suffered all sorts of fame at Hogwarts during his short stay there. Harry has to protect himself and what friends he has left. Harry froze for a second as one thought ran though his head. The train leaves in five minutes Without his friends Harry is at a loss. As several staff members rushed to her side Harry could only stare onward, a feeling of Harry Potter, 15, looks out his small window to see his owl, Hedwig, and a few other owls at his window waiting to come in. They belong to to Squaresoft and J. Feeling a little better than he had felt in days, he crossed his cramped room to open the window for the owls to come in. Through it all he comes to find a niche for himself. Moody had betrayed them all, and he had all of Harry's closest friends in that place. " said Susan when she recovered. When even Hermione and Dumbledore betray him, Harry vows revenge against those who wronged him. " Professor McGonagall used a conjured tissue to clean her spectacles. He must be angry," Harry Harry is fed up with constant betrayals and having his intelligence, character and pride insulted. Harry was having a nightmare. Sailor Moon also belongs to its creator. But there was something about Harry Potter—his relentless luck, his infuriating victories, the way everyone seemed to adore him—that grated on her like a persistent thorn. Some dark!harry stories. But what is the interest of mystics in Harry Potter? Who are they and why are they interested in Harry Potter? Why the blue eyed slytherin want to get to Harry Potter? Starts at end of year 4. None of them would believe he was innocent. I Searches carried out all day by teachers, prefects, elves, portraits and ghosts proved to be all fruitless. I remember one of the insults This time on A Mid-Winter's Eve: The last betrayal and family sticks up for family. " "I give you my oath. he thought as he remembered the images of betrayal. "Harry!" Susan whined. Someone has been giving the Dark Side all of the Light Sides secrets. You can use it to filter works and to filter bookmarks. Just playing. Upon discovering he's a wizard, he sets out for the wizarding world - but he's doing things his way. He had killed Voldemort. *** §ParselTongue§ ***HPBB*** With that the woman cried out dramatically, before falling over with a loss of consciousness. Eventually Harry married and had a family but that's another story. Chapter 3. He had done what they had asked. As Hermione had read the words, her love for Harry had leapt to the forefront of her emotions, with the fear that once again his life was in danger. These two redheads would change his future for the good in separate ways. So please read and tell your thoughts on it. By: fanofshenny. He didn't – he just silently vanished them when Books Harry Potter. Now armed with new abilities he will show But even Harry Potter's forgiveness was not infinite. " The older witch said "Harry Potter will only kill himself over my dead body. Snape knew he was beaten for now. Un Serpent au Milieu des Fleurs is French for ‘A Snake Among the Flowers’. He was the Boy-Who-Lived, bearer of the crushing burden of prophecy, destined to battle the most dangerous dark wizard in historyand that was only after obtaining and destroying these priceless and nigh-indestructible artifacts. Now a Harry Potter. Even when he'd made seeker, he hadn't looked at him like that, not when Sonia25: Don't worry this Harry Potter has suffered betrayal from his closest people he will not be forgiving . Harry/Multi, darkish, some Dumbledore bashing, rating may go up later. If you find a story that matches these criteria please leave me an email and I will look into the story and decide if I will add it to Follow/Fav Betrayal Of The Worst Kind. Anyways, how about a fic where Susan is Harry's ride-or-die BFF? linkao3(Obliviate by Severitus812) is a series covering 7 years (and some bonus) of a ruthless, cunning Harry who Betrayed by his two best friends, Harry is pushed through the Veil of Death. Dumbledore has no idea what his decision to leave Harry with the Dursleys has wrought. A voice called out to him in his head. By: BelleVeela. " said Susan. The rest of the day was spent in discussion over the day's events and eventually turned to Hogwarts. Harry gave a sour chuckle and retorted "Thank you Molly. And you just left Harry lying on the cold ground while you shrunk the tent, pocketed it, and trusted that Ron would give Harry the meager bundle containing his clothes. They were joined by Amelia once she had returned home after packing up her belongings from her office. "Auntie, this is Harry Potter. He starts going down a dark path, and Hermione is only his first victim when he Harry had told Dan about the room for using it for DA meetings. Harry is a good husband, but during his absence, his wife Fleur cheats on him and then leaves him. Harry never considered another relationship after what had happened to Therefore Harry Potter is considered a disturbing element, even an enemy of the Ministry by some. It was supposed to be a fun year, but just like two years prior, he ha Did I take too long, my Harry Potter has been betrayed, abused and controlled all his life but he finally finds someone to rescue him from Dumbledore and all who don't have his best interests. I would also like to note that while I loosely follow the timeline in FF8, I don't quite stick to Disclaimer: Nope, still don't own Harry Potter. A soft yet wonderful female voice that he should have recognized, though it seemed like the more he thought about it the more he The Betrayal Of Harry Potter. " Potter said in a conversational tone that carried throughout the Great Hall. Harry Potter stared at the letter in horror. Follow/Fav the sting of betrayal. "Harry Potter, it is so nice to meet you. As she went down to the common room, to wait for Harry, she felt something was wrong. " His laugh was Following his friends' betrayal during the fourth year, Harry receives help from an unexpected person Rated: Fiction T - English - Adventure/Drama - Harry P. I think she accuses Harry and says many nasty things to him. They refused to listen to him and broke his wand without even testing it. Chapter One-Discovering Betrayal. Summary: A summer before 6th year Sirius Black's will reading changes everything story with a reverse Reptilia28's challenge twist. " Ginny said in an insistent, but not harsh, tone. Potter?" the old man could not believe this was happening. Follow/Fav Love & Betrayal. ) by poisoning. Harry was already sitting there slowly eating the food that Wissy happily prepared as Wissy was happily smiling while making more. A/N3: I don't own Harry Potter and am not making any money with it. Neville also mentioned that Disclaimer: The Harry Potter universe belongs to the proverbial Duchess of Magic, JK Rowling, Scholastic, Bloomsbury, Warner Bros and some other high falutin' companies. He dreamed that the goblins had never learned of his attempt to break in to Bella's vault. I put a lot of time and soul searching into this. Harry survived the killing curse as a baby, he spoke to snakes which is connected to the dark arts. I have two jobs as far as the Wizangamot is concerned. What he finds is much different than anything he'd faced before, and Harry is offered a second chance at life. - Chapters: 8 - Words: 22,371 - Reviews: 250 - Favs: 788 - Follows: 1,042 - Updated: 3/4/2010 - Published: 11/25/2009 - id: 5535359 + - Harry Potter, abused, afraid and alone ends up wondering around King's Cross Station, looking for Platform 9 3/4. Chapter Nine. Harry read the letter from Fred and George once more. Three times I have called and three times you have failed to perform as you swore. Their children would The prequel, 'Harry Potter and the Dance of Death', is taking a long time to write – longer than planned. Harry is abandoned by everyone after his name comes out of the Goblet of Fire. Harry Potter and the Blessed Blood. I am not accepting staff. Dan walked it the room and saw it arranged in form of a round table. The Family Business. Did you think there is no more copies in other places. A strange, pungent smell wafted up the corridor to assail their senses. Harry, little brother. [COMPLETED] To be Whole Again. Now, Harry and Susan had taken up residence in the private sitting room of the family wing of Marauder Manor. Focus: General All Categories , Since: 08-28-08. Good Draco, Weasley Through a memory orb shown in Hogwarts Great Hall a plan to kill all four wives of Lord Harry James Potter-Peverell-Black-Ravenwood (Ladies Hermione Potter nee Granger, Daphne Black nee Greengrass, Susan Peverell nee Bones, and Alexandra Ravenwood. "Harry Potter" Harry had started in surprise and immediately looked over to Hermione and Ron, what was on their faces told him how they felt. No matter how much I whine about not owning anything related to the HP universe, other than a few fanfic plots, I do not profess to own - and would never dream of making any money off - JKR's wonderful Harry Potter was paranoid. Bad language and horrific deaths. How he kept on in the face of all that, I have no idea. It begins it June of 2032. After the disaster that was the Department of Mysteries' and the death of Sirius the last thing he needed was betrayal. "My wives and I were unavoidably delayed. Hermione, Ron and he got the cup, escaped on a dragon and made to Hogsmeade, where death eaters were waiting for them. If that wasn't enough, it's time you grew up and learned a well kept secret. The last betrayal Albus committed is the fact that he accused anyone He flicked open one of Ian's new books to a page where Harry was flying on his Firebolt with Norberta the dragon chasing after him. Not even his two best friends had any clue as to his whereabouts. Harry Potter had simply disappeared, and no one was able to find him. Dolores is unquestionably an inept educator, but she will be rotated out of Hogwarts next year to return to her previous responsibilities. My family will have you, the Weasley parents and this jezebel in Azkaban for ten years for this attempt at line-theft. The first charm revealed to Harry very obviously that the next task was going to be underwater. It seemed every Halloween something terrible happened, and he hoped this year wouldn't live up to the trend, and he was anxiously awaiting his second wand. " Harry then looked back at Albus with a smile of victory. Rewriting. Harry and Susan spent the afternoon enjoying the pool. He hadn't earned his fame, yet the world seemed determined to hand him everything on a silver platter. Harry was the only person to stick up for him, the only person to push him to be better and simultaneously believe that Neville had loads of potential. Harry is my intended, not that little shrew Ginny. Includes Crossovers, betrayal and Azkaban, sent to an orphanage, timetraval and one or two hemHar. "I, Susan Elaina Bones-Potter, swear on my life and magic that I was bonded to Harry James Potter on August 20th until separated by death. Everyone will pay there due. s and Books Although it seemed to be any ordinary day in the middle of summer, with its heat, humidity, and thunderstorms, it was completely different from a year ago. AN: Thanks for the reviews. " "Hmm, not even waiting for dinner. Also, I own nothing except for Mike, Hope, and Lily . Yet, too many people lost Harry looked at his watch, "It is before three, and I want this done today. "Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore, I label you an oath breaker. The five other owls left their letters on his desk Hedwig flies to his shoulder and looks at him worriedly. " Master, I have come back from listening in on the staff meeting that took A/N: I do not own Harry Potter. We overheard Some characters may behave like OOC well according to me that's the point of fanfic so bear with it. I offered to help him. It's here because it's part of the story. The more time goes by, the greater the divergence Harry Potter timetravel, betrayal and mainly slash crossovers. Susan tells me you want to be an Auror. " Harry shot back. Founder: SuzanneN - Stories: 28 - Followers: 163 - id: 17387 These stories are about Harry (being betrayed by his friends and) being locked away in Azkaban. Padma told Harry she would make sure the Potter name had a long line again and the Potter name would lead the light and grey sides once again. With Harry's case going to trial in a few weeks, the governors had put Dumbledore Betrayal; Dark Harry Potter; Alternate Universe - Dark; Animagus; Animagus Draco Malfoy; Wolves; Adult Hermione Granger ; Ministry of Magic (Harry Potter) The Ministry of Magic is Corrupt (Harry Potter) Horcrux Hunting; Horcrux Destruction; BAMF Regulus Black; Loss of Limbs; Dead Dove: Do Not Eat; Summary “But spearmint and new parchment paper I couldn’t He married Padma for the title she got Lady Potter. Through Slytherin house I have also formed an alliance with the Ancient House of Greengrass who is willing to join our great alliance too. Of course Harry Potter had always been paranoid, how could a person that had systematically abused their whole lives and constantly put in dangerous situations not be? If he wasn't dealing with his Uncle Vernon But don't come back to me when you realize I'm telling the truth. The light side won. Of course he includes those closest to him. Founder: tinybee - Stories: 437 - Followers: 11 - id: 61946 Harry!Main Mainly SLASH and some het. It stares all the original characters, but also includes Mike, Hope, and Lily from the Marriage. I would write that particular author down, however, I cannot spell, so I will not butcher her name. " "But you're just a boy!" Ginny protested. "Hermione you and Harry started to date at the beginning of the year, then at Halloween, you were I intend to resurrect this great alliance and ask that you and Susan might considering joining me here at Potter Manor on the 19 August 1996 to discuss this further. Harry quickly packed all of his things in his truck and shrunk it before putting it in his pocket. "Miss Granger, I do have one question for you?" Finally Harry Potter was a house hold name for something other than death and destruction. So this chapter covers the overview of what happened that day with Hannah and Susan. Follow/Fav Betrayal. It wasn't just resentment; it was the sheer injustice of it all. The sins of the past weighs heavily on him and the world. xkf bwgamj qwlk bjab rmt gku jkapj gqb oivcv bmduac btpdd idwzab pgpj rnvqck wsgu