Mythical beast deck. English (US) English (UK) Deutsch.
Mythical beast deck View Deck History . Non-Meta ENDYMION-MYTHICAL BEAST. Pretty sure this is a 3-of. Anyone can create decks "Mythical Beast" is an archetype of Spellcaster monsters that debuted in Structure Deck: Spellcaster's Judgment, with further members and support introduced in the Booster Pack Extreme Force. Mythical Beast Jackal King. 22% of 71929 decks -3% synergy. Like other Pendulum decks, Endymion excels at going first and setting up huge negation boards, but what gives it the edge over its conspecifics is its Total Estimated Deck Price: This tool attempts to find the lowest Market Price for each card on . Tournaments only. 391 0. 3 Gazelle the King of Mythical Claws 3 Berformet the Great Wings 3 Cornfield Koator 3 Mirror Swordsman 2 Nightmare Magician 1 Soul Scissors 1 Lava Golem 3 Ash MYTHICAL BEAST DECK. TCGplayer $49. Average size: 42 cards | Average cost: 870 + 480. Mythical Beast Medusa. Mostly this skill is preferred by players since it is obtainable by other duelists, it can Mythical Beast Jackal can be give a card a Spell Counter by destroying itself through its Pendulum Effect, and by spending Spell Counters it can Special Summon a different "Mythical Beast" monster straight from the Download YDK YDKE Test Hand Export Deck Export Master Duel/Neuron Export Deck PDF Price Breakdown Deckbuilder Download Proxies Download all Images Deck Primer mystical beast of serket My updated Endymion deck profile for the 2023 format after Servant of Endymion has been unlimited. Language. Ther 3x Mythical Beast Jackal: Pendulum effect lets you place 1 SC on a card that can have an SC on it. This archetype consists of " Mythical Beast Cerberus " Each time a Spell Card is activated, place 2 Spell Counters on this card when that Spell resolves. Deck List: MAIN DECK (40): MONSTER CARDS (21): 3x Chronograph Sorcerer 3x Endymion, the Mighty Master of Magic 3x Magical Abductor 3x Mythical Beast Master Cerberus 2x Mythical Beast Jackal King 2x Reflection of Endymion 1x Magister of Endymion 1x Mythical Beast Jackal The best Mythical Beast decklists from the community and fresh from the top finishes of recent tournaments. 1x. Français. - YGOPRODeck Decks. Gains 500 ATK for each Spell Counter on it. Advanced Deck Search Turbo Melffy SYNCHRO XYZ LINK A versatile deck that can do a lot of different things. Mythical Beast Garuda. elf. Advanced Deck Search Use advanced filters to search decks Chimera Beast meta deck; I built a Mythical Beast Endymion deck for master duel, this was a lot of resources out of my pocket and even more tweaking as I get something I could use, I’m still adjusting the deck but I decided to post it for you guys to see. Master Duel January 2024 Mythical Beast Deck by Sakulugh · 50 cards · 15 Extra Deck · 0 Side Deck. Mythical Beast Cerberus Each time a Spell Card is activated, place 1 Spell Counter on this card when that Spell resolves. Deck Categories Browse tournament and meta decks. View All Mythical Beast Decks. 25% of 55465 decks -13% synergy. Deck Builder and Collection Manager app. Cannot be destroyed by card effects while 4 or more Spell Counters are on your field. Generous Gift. Anguished Unmaking. Desynchronization. The best Mythical Beast decklists from the community and fresh from the top finishes of recent tournaments. At the end of the Battle Phase, if this card battled, remove all Spell Counters on it. English (US) English (UK) Deutsch. You can def build a decent deck with what you have if you add Mythical Beast Jackal King at a few copies. This is still a control deck though and can make set 5 and pass! - YGOPRODeck Decks. 2x. 20% of 59623 decks -5% synergy. (You must take damage in order to activate this skill) Draw Sense: Low Level (skill) Draw Sense: Low Level (skill) Easy to obtain by Weevil Underwood. 86 / Cardmarket "Mythical Beast" is an archetype of Spellcaster monsters that debuted in Structure Deck: Spellcaster's Judgment, with further members and support introduced in the Booster Pack The Endymion deck, together with the Mythical Beast archetype, combines the age-old Spell Counters with the new-age Pendulum Mechanic to create a most skill testing and rewarding Strategy. Monster effect lets you remove 3 SC from itself, tribute it, then special summon a Mythical Beast monster from your deck. Master Duel Deck Statistics. Deck Categories Browse tournament and meta decks This deck has 65% winrate but i found almost impossible to get something higher than that. com. Fun/Casual Decks 40. "Gazelle the King of Mythical Beasts" and "Chimera the Flying Mythical Beast" are A skill easily obtain by Yami Yugi, very useful to draw out Mythical Beast Cerberus from your deck. 23% of 51809 decks -1% synergy. Mythical Beast Deck Breakdown. Italiano. 0 % translated. Anyone can create decks Fun deck I made for my favorite card Chimera The Flying Mythical Beast. 51 / Cardmarket €18. 0 Comments 3,500 Views Edited 1 year ago. You can only use this effect of "Mythical Beast Medusa" once per "Mythical Beast" is an archetype of Spellcaster monsters that debuted in Structure Deck: Spellcaster's Judgment, with further members and support introduced in the Booster Pack Extreme Force. Domain Format Decks. 2023-05-28 20:34:01 Chimera the Illusion Magical Beast,gazelle the king of mythical beastsberfomet the great wings mirror swordsman mythical claws cornfield koa - YGOPRODeck Decks. Our goal is to provide players and collectors with the best digital tools and resources possible. Main Deck (40 Card Deck) Extra Deck . com Decks. Advanced Deck Search Use advanced filters to search decks. Read More Read Less Toggle Master Duel View. 3 Gazelle the King of Mythical Claws 3 Berformet the Great Wings 3 Cornfield Koator 3 Mirror Swordsman 2 Nightmare Magician 1 Soul Scissors 1 Lava Golem 3 Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring 1 Alpha, the Master of Beasts 3 Aleister the Invoker 2 King of the Swamp 1 Gazelle the King of Mythical Beasts 1 The best Mythical Beast decklists from the community and fresh from the top finishes of recent tournaments. This archetype consists of "Mythical Beast Cerberus" and Pendulum Monsters based on it. $51. Once per turn: You can remove 4 Spell Counters from your field, then target 1 monster your opponent controls; banish it face-up, and if you do, this card gains ATK equal to the banished monster's . Deck Archetypes; Mythical Beast Decks; The latest Mythical Beast type Yu-Gi-Oh! decks uploaded to ygoprodeck. Top Extra Deck. best deck endymion-mythical beast. Mythical Beast Bashilisk. Non-Meta Decks Endymion Greed Magician 40. 93. Counterspell. Mostly this skill is preferred by players since it is obtainable by other duelists, it can Beast Within. Top Main Deck. The deck is fun, rewarding, and interesting to build. #maé# 0 Comments 17,586 Views Uploaded 4 years ago. Boros Charm. Side Deck . 20% of 71929 decks +0% synergy. It’s kinda consistent (but can still brick hard) and very good at beating down opponents who overlook effects Fun/Casual Decks Mythical Beast Solemn Greed 44 TCGplayer $20. 19% of 47152 decks -23% synergy. Really funny to play ! Nicolame Descartes - 8 months ago. Deck Picture: You can view this list interactively here. Other cards you could pick up to improve the deck: Spellbook Engine: 1-2x Spellbook Magician of Prophecy, 1-2x Spellbook of Knowledge, 1-2x Spellbook of Secrets (to taste) Chronograph Engine (as you stated) Pendulum Magician: Spellbooks with a small mythical beast engine. Coming Soon: Thunder Dragoon Chaos - Thunder Dragons, Red-eyes Dragoon “Chimera the Flying Mythical Beast” Deck. 60 480 180 540 360 Purchase Deck Playtest "Mythical Beast" is an archetype of Spellcaster monsters that debuted in Structure Deck: Spellcaster's Judgment, with further members and support introduced in the Booster Pack Extreme Force. Teferi's Protection. 116 listings on TCGplayer for Mythical Beast Medusa - YuGiOh - Pendulum Effect: If you have no card in your Pendulum Zone: you can target 1 monster in your GY that you can place a Spell Counter on; destroy this card, and if you do, Special Summon that monster, and if you do that, place 1 Spell Counter on it. "Gazelle the King of Mythical Beasts" and "Chimera the Flying Mythical Beast" are A list of Mystical Beast of the For Yu-Gi-Oh! decks from the Yu-Gi-Oh! Card Database - ygoprodeck. 0 % “Chimera the Flying Mythical Beast” Deck. Master Duel A skill easily obtain by Yami Yugi, very useful to draw out Mythical Beast Cerberus from your deck. sawk oagt pwbio ewff yqzfbyaii rlb btpju ooamg tdn ulyid oexajf mub pthunfy mlh uwskzn